Today, Louisville'shealthcare is not as good as it could be for patients and their providers. Why? Becausemedical information as for example imbalanced nutrition care plan for individual patients exists in numerous paper and computer records – patient charts – located in different physicians’ offices, and in hospitals or other providers’ offices. These records – often transferable only through mail, phone, and fax – cannot be quickly shared among providers.
The Cost
Duplicative tests, avoidable hospitalizations, and adverse medical events, such as harmful drug interactions, which cost consumers, employers, insurers and the government millions of dollars each year.
The Solution
The technology now exists to make transfer of medical records among various providers speedy, reliable and secure – so that critical medical data is present at the bedside when treatment decisions are being made. LouHIE is ready to make this vision a reality for the greater Louisville area.
The Plan
All 1.2 million Louisville Metro area citizens will be offered free accounts for storing their medical information electronically. Each account will be accessed and updated – with patient permission – every time the patient is served by providers, including physicians, hospitals, and pharmacies. Patients will be able to access their personal accounts through the internet, cell phones, or at their doctors’ offices.
Privacy and Security
Industrial grade security technologies will be used for protection of information in the health record bank, similar to how money is protected in financial institutions. Consumers will have full control of who sees their data and when.
LouHIE’s health record banking system will bring healthcare improvements by increasing the quality of care, decreasing the cost of healthcare, and encouraging consumers to take an active role in their health.
About LouHIE
LouHIE was formed in 2006 to develop a “Health Record Bank of Greater Louisville”. It is a dynamic collaboration among the University of Louisville, the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Louisville Metro Government, all major area hospitals, the Greater Louisville Medical Society, insurers, consumer groups, and employers. LouHIE, formed as a non-profit, is uniquely positioned to address these problems as a neutral, trusted community organization.
To view a brief video, click the center of the image.
3-24-09: LouHIE Selects3M Health as Vendor. 3M Health Information Systems has been selected to provide the electronic health record banking system for the greater Louisville area. 3M and its partner, InterComponentWare, Inc. (ICW), will design, build, and pilot anintegrated health information network that will offer free health record banking services to all 1.2 million citizens in the greater Louisville community.
"LouHIE will work closely with Kentucky state officials working on statewide health information exchange," said Steve Beshear, Governor...More.
LouHIE is poised to make a tremendous difference in the economic health of the Louisville Metro area and – more importantly – in the health of its citizens. But the project’s success depends upon private-sector willingness to step forward with start-up contributions. LouHIE asks all area employers, foundations and individuals to give what you can to make healthcare better for everyone. More details to follow.
Copyright (c) , all rights reserved, University of Louisville and the Louisville Health Information Exchange, Inc.
For problems or questions regarding this Web site contact . Last updated: 03/19/09. LouHie Admin
Research funding for this project provided by the Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation (2004-6), Kentucky Legislature under SB 2 (2005-6) Kentucky Department for Public Health and the Kentucky Hospital Association (2005-6). Additional funding, staff and technologies provided by University of Louisville, School of Public Health and Information Sciences and VisPlex Association, Inc.