The Louisville Health Information Exchange, Inc. (LouHIE)  A Kentucky e-Health Network RHIO for the Louisville region.
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LouHIE IT Committee Meeting Minutes June 20th, 2007

Attendees: Jeff A. Johnny Allen, Tom Haslin, Ron Moore ( U of L), Judy Nichols, Judah Thornewill, Steve Watkins, Norton, Gerald B.

Discussion / Preparation to meet with RFP Consulting Group

· Any new items or comments?

· Work group has a unanimous recommendation that will be presented today at the board meeting. Expectation is a kick off meeting with the consultant in the 3rd or 4th weekend of July. (Note – this was approved by the board and kickoff will be the end of July.)

IT Review Sub-Committees

· MetroSafe - Steve Watkins (about 2:30)

· Any new information

Metro Technology services. An internal service provider to the Metro Gov’t. Would not provide any technical information without higher level approval. Either Judah or Ron Moore will try to work through Beth Niblock, the city CIO and see if he can get some info and possibly arrange a meeting.

·  Patient portals that work for physicians and hospitals – assign leader

·  See General discussions/State weakness below

Judah – met with the state group including Carol Steltenkamp. ,Trudi, and Lorna last Friday. The state is planning to move forward with KHIP. Carol S. mentioned that they were doing it for the providers and the KHA mentioned that they didn’t feel that providers had been given an opportunity to give much input. There was agreement that LouHIE had a stronger relationship with the hospitals and physicians but the state is moving forward with KHIP so that perhaps we could partner together to design a portal that would be useful and valuable and in return the state could help provide some resources. The idea being that perhaps the portal could be usable by both groups.

In the final analysis, everyone expects a patient summary to be available on a screen – the questions are what data will be displayed, what is most important, how will it be organized for high utility. They agreed to come up with a standard format that everyone could live with. The board will be asked today to approve beginning this process to gather info from providers and physicians to put together this standard. Judah believes this should be centered in the technology committee who could provide info and options and bring it back to the board for decision making.

State weakness with hospitals and physicians

·  Building alliance with State by helping where we are strong

·  Define a patient summary (or printout program that could help)

· Use housecalls “like” technology

Interface that allows the list for the day to pull info on multiple patients

One of the issues for many physicians is that pulling each individual patient’s information is a source of pain. They want to grab info in bulk for patients being seen that day. First phase could potentially be the ability to manually enter several names at once (possibly cut and paste) and eventually build out an interface.

·  Study patient portals that work for physicians and hospitals

If this committee is willing to research best practices/options for what the patient summary should look like, Judah will present at the board meeting that we are willing to do this research fairly quickly and then bring a set of options together and present it to both the hospital committee and physician committee for feedback.

Jeff feels that he has a lot of this information already gathered and that it could be put together fairly quickly.

(Judah) The vision for LouHIE is that we’re delivering through the web patient summary information that is useful for hospitals and physicians. We could come up with the basic data-set that should be included in the summary and then go to the provider groups to get their feedback about issues including privacy, time-lines, user-interface friendliness.

We could come up with the basic data-set and then have a round table discussion with the other committees to work on this. Tom is willing to coordinate this. Norton has some examples from their clinics and Tom will get some more. Send all examples to Jeff and he’ll organize for the physicians meeting. Tom will set up the meetings in coordination with Judah. We’ll get a time-line from the board meeting this afternoon unless a conflict occurs the plan will be to schedule this for our next meeting.

· Gather information about all the current projects beyond the planning phase in the Nation.

·  Gather general list of working systems – assign leader

· Share by e-mail before July 1st

Review list – is it comprehensive? Do we need more? If list is good – move to next step

·  Divide and gather information – assign leaders

· Report at next meeting

1. What are the detailed services you provide

2. Based on the services that you provide what do you estimate that your total cost (ballpark) was to get up and running

3. What is the estimate monthly cost to run

4. What do you estimate your revenues to be and are you red/black

5. Is your infrastructure outsourced

a. What features are in-house

b. What features are outsourced

6. What is your org structure

a. # employees

b. # outsourced

7. What have you learned both good/bad that you would pass to a new RHIO

8. How did you get buy-in from stakeholders

9. What are your major barriers to progress

a. Privacy issues

b. Sustainable business model

10. What do you estimate you are saving the stakeholders today/tomorrow

a. Breakdown per stakeholder

Link to the e-health initiative that has more details about RHIO’s around the country.

Send out the list with the minutes and ask for volunteers.

· General Discussions

· NHIN Prototype architectures – Gerald Brazeau


The document covers the four prototypes set up to take a look at the national health network. The two or three key points he found of interest was the establishment of minimum standards to participate in the HIN, there was a lot of information about national health information exchanges that would be put in place of a regional health information exchange. There was also a discussion of standards of clinical data-sets. It also includes an indication from one of their linkage groups that Accenture includes a KY RHIO. Certification commission for Health Information Technology – a 2008 set of certification standards for participation in the HIN. Potentially to prequalify participators in the HIN. Discussed HL7 v.3 and standards moving forward. Narrowing the focus of the entry of the data at a central point so that no matter what the system is using HL7 will help interoperability and exchange.

Not an action item other than keeping us up to date on what is going on.

· Review of States e-Health Overview (Could skip in interest of time)

· Lee Brosnan – Microsoft conversation

· Hi Jeff,

Sorry for the long delay in communication. Not much has changed in regards to our target market for our early adopters. I believe I shared with you that we are considering working with one RHIO to test the waters a bit.

I am curious to hear where your efforts stand. If you are interested, we can set up a call where I can give you a more complete update.


Azyxxi product has not been involved with a RHIO yet but they are interested in growing bigger with a RHIO. They have web enabled their product and are potentially interested in partnering with KY. We are not sure what this includes, especially financially, but are planning on another call with him tomorrow morning to gather more information. We’re hoping that they are willing to put some financial support into this option which might go to the state of KY as well. Jeff and Judy will be talking with Lee further to find out where Microsoft’s interest level is in our programs.

· Jefferson Thomas – InterSystems’ HealthShare™ - from Judah Thornewill


o HealthShare is the only software product that provides a fast path for creating electronic health record systems on a regional or national basis. This is a comprehensive solution for aggregating and securely sharing clinical data across multiple organizations, enabling the rapid creation of an Electronic Health Record.

Judah would like us to look at this product to get some ideas from it and compare it to other products. This offers another platform option.

Action Items from this meeting:

1. Judah and/or Ron will talk with Beth Niblock to gather more information about MetroSafe.

2. Pending approval from the Board the Technology Committee will facilitate gathering the requirements and possible layout options for the patient summary that could potentially be shared with KeHN.

a. All tech committee members should send copies of any existing patient summaries to Jeff

b. Tom and Judah will organize the meeting with the physicians, hospitals, and other providers to gather their input on the data needed, user interface requirements, etc.

c. Tom will compile the information into options that can then be presented to the board for final approval.

3. Send out the list of questions to all committee members and ask for volunteers to divide up the list of RHIOs and follow up on the information.

a. List was gathered from and more information is available there.

b. is another source of information

c. Information due back by the next meeting so that it can be provided to the rest of LouHIE.

4. Jeff and Judy to have a phone conference with Lee B. from Microsoft to follow up.

5. Everyone is asked to look at HealthShare.


Copyright (c) , all rights reserved, University of Louisville and the Louisville Health Information Exchange, Inc.
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.  Last updated: 09/07/08.  LouHie Admin
Research funding for this project provided by the Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation (2004-6), Kentucky Legislature under SB 2 (2005-6) Kentucky Department for Public Health and the Kentucky Hospital Association (2005-6).   Additional funding, staff and technologies provided by University of Louisville, School of Public Health and Information Sciences and VisPlex Association, Inc.