The Louisville Health Information Exchange, Inc. (LouHIE)  A Kentucky e-Health Network RHIO for the Louisville region.
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Louisville Health Information Exchange


May 31, 2007 Meeting



APPROVAL OF MINUTES This was the first meeting. There were no previous minutes.

INTRODUCTIONS All present introduced themselves and gave some background as to where they were worked and their involvement with electronic health exchange activity.

BACKGROUND Judah Thornewill gave an update on LouHIE, the vision, why it is important, what is needed to make it happen, the health record bank model, how it works and what customers get. He also described the milestones accomplished, the community wide approach and the funding sources. The amount of money collected, how the funds will be used and where the funds were came from were also discussed.

There are four quadrants that make up the LouHIE board. They are purchasers, payers, providers and caregivers. Other functional committees include privacy, ethics, business model, community conversation, fundraising, open source workgroup, consulting selection workgroup and research workgroup.
See attached presentation.
TECHNOLOGY UPDATE Judy Nichols provided an update of the Technology committee.

COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES The group discussed the objectives for the privacy committee. It was decided that the privacy committee needs to determine the liabilities possible with any system proposed for an electronic exchange of information. Among the issues to be decided is access control. How detailed does it need to be? The privacy committee is charged with providing a checklist, including test scenarios, to be used when evaluating software proposals to LouHIE. This committee will make recommendations to the LouHIE board as to which systems meet the requirements for a successful electronic information exchange.

COMMITTEE DESCRIPTIONS Consumer Quadrant – Chair, Miriam Paramore
-0 Safety Net – Medicaid and safety net populations
-1 Employer – private employers and unions and their employers
-2 Seniors – Medicare and elderly populations
Resource Quadrant – Chair, John Reinhart
-3 Payer committee – area health insurance firms
-4 Health IT committee – e-health technology infrastructure providers
-5 Workforce committee – healthcare workforce education/development providers
Producer Quadrant – Chair, Nancy Galvagni
-6 Health products committee – health technology firms, including pharmaceuticals
-7 Hospital committee – Louisville area hospitals and other providers
-8 Retail services committee – pharmacies, clinics and retail health service organizations
Caregiver Quadrant – Chair, Sheila Andersen
-9 Health education committee – Health education and dissemination providers
-10 Physicians, et al committee – physicians and other medical order-writers
-11 Nurses, et al committee – nurses and other allied health professionals

KY e-HEALTH BOARD UPDATE Judah Thornewill gave an update on the activities of the e-Health board in Frankfort. Several of the LouHIE board members are involved at the state level to keep the lines of communication open and prevent duplication of efforts.

SET MEETING DATES Monday, Wednesday and Friday seem to be the best dates for a meeting. The committee will continue to meet at Greater Louisville Medical Society when it is available. Other locations in the east end may also be considered

NEW BUSINESS Brenda Beckham asked for suggestions for new members. All those present were asked to recommend peers or colleagues that may be interested in the protection of patient privacy and confidentiality while providing health information needed for continued patient care with the goal of eliminating duplicate testing thus saving millions of dollars in healthcare costs.

NEXT DEPARTMENT MEETING Brenda Beckham will schedule the next meeting within the next couple of weeks. Minutes will be posted prior to the next meeting or distributed at the meeting.

ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:30am.

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.  Last updated: 09/07/08.  LouHie Admin
Research funding for this project provided by the Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation (2004-6), Kentucky Legislature under SB 2 (2005-6) Kentucky Department for Public Health and the Kentucky Hospital Association (2005-6).   Additional funding, staff and technologies provided by University of Louisville, School of Public Health and Information Sciences and VisPlex Association, Inc.