The Louisville Health Information Exchange, Inc. (LouHIE)  A Kentucky e-Health Network RHIO for the Louisville region.
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Louisville Health Information Exchange


July 11, 2007 Meeting


Members Present/Participating: Jeff Amrein, Marti Arvin, Brenda Beckham, Susan Carey, Bruce Edwards, Linda Kamer, Judy Nichols. Julie Patterson, Jeanne Reiners, Judah Thornewill


CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 9:05am.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes were not available from the May 31, 2007, meeting for approval.
o1 Susan Carey to send out minutes for the 5/31/07 and will facilitate an “email” approval.
BUSINESS PLAN CONSULTANT Judah provided the next steps with Noblis, the consulting company who will develop the business plan for the LouHIE health banking vision.

o1 Research planning meetings are scheduled for July 24th and 25th, representation from the Privacy and Security Committee will be needed on both days.
o2 The July meetings are in preparation for meetings in September with the consumer groups.
o3 The P&S Committee needs to complete a one page requirements document for privacy and a one page requirements document for security in preparation for the September meetings.

o4 Judah to send out the schedule for the 24th and 25th meetings.
o5 Judah to send out health record bank research plan.
o6 Susan to schedule P&S Committee working session to begin development of these requirement documents.
o7 P&S Committee to review health record banking principles available through:

PRIVACY AND SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS/DISCUSSION o1 The P&S Committee is the watchdog for privacy and security and that the LouHIE model will be consumer-centric.
o2 Linda talked to the person who is in charge of Privacy and Security for the Memphis RHIO and offered to set up a conference call to talk with them.

o3 Need to consider who will “manage” the system once a system is in place.
o4 The vision is that the technology will be controlled by LouHIE, but will be outsourced.
o5 We must ask “what controls” are available when seeking a system/technology vendor. We must define the requirements that a system must have.
o6 The Privacy requirements must address opting in/out versus authorization to be “in” by the consumer.
o7 We have to also know how the data is going to be used – are we only exchanging data? A vast majority of RHIOs are only exchanging data; there is no 3rd party database housing sensitive data.
o8 #1 Reason that CHINs failed was due to the paranoia of the consumer about the use of their data.
o9 Hospitals have the ability to get the data, the issue is with getting the data timely.
o10 Need to understand what the state does in relation to a Master Patient Index, and a Master Provider Index.
o11 We need to balance the “rules” with moving forward.

o12 Linda to contact this person and ask if she would talk with us regarding their privacy plan.
NEXT MEETING DATES o1 Everyone agreed that we will nee to meet at least bi-weekly in order to complete requirements documents for privacy and security, for the September meetings. o2 Susan to coordinate meeting dates/times.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:00am.


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.  Last updated: 09/07/08.  LouHie Admin
Research funding for this project provided by the Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation (2004-6), Kentucky Legislature under SB 2 (2005-6) Kentucky Department for Public Health and the Kentucky Hospital Association (2005-6).   Additional funding, staff and technologies provided by University of Louisville, School of Public Health and Information Sciences and VisPlex Association, Inc.