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LouHIE - Seniors Meeting minutes

April 16th, 2007 at 3:00 P.M.

10401 Linn Station Road


Tihisha Rawlins

Judah Thornewill

Sam Sloss

Topics of discussion included:

1) LouHIE is seeking a consulting team to develop a business plan.

2) Expanding membership on the Seniors’ committee. Tihisha was to check with Don Shields and Bob Cooley about getting a member from the Kentucky Department of Insurance.

3) How to assess the interests of seniors and make those interests known to the consultants who will be developing a business plan.

It was concluded that the committee try to meet prior to the May 16th meeting of the LouHIE board. No actual time day or time was set. Rawlins thought she had conflicts for the 15th and Sloss has conflicts for the 14th.

Corrections or additions?
If Judah or Tihisha have corrections please forward and I’ll keep a minutes file. I’ll try to see if there is a way I can post it on the LouHIE website.


We should decide on a next meeting time and agenda.

My limitations from now until June 19 are as follows: I cannot attend Monday or Wednesday afternoon meetings. I will not be available from June 7 through June 15 at all.

If others to send their best and impossible times I’ll try to find some dates.

If I understood Judah correctly, we should make a list of issues we think the consultants should examine.

Other items? Please send others items that this committee should address.


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.  Last updated: 09/07/08.  LouHie Admin
Research funding for this project provided by the Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation (2004-6), Kentucky Legislature under SB 2 (2005-6) Kentucky Department for Public Health and the Kentucky Hospital Association (2005-6).   Additional funding, staff and technologies provided by University of Louisville, School of Public Health and Information Sciences and VisPlex Association, Inc.