The Louisville Health Information Exchange, Inc. (LouHIE)  A Kentucky e-Health Network RHIO for the Louisville region.
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LouHIE Intranet

Seniors et al. Committee

Welcome to the seniors committee area. 

Seniors et al. Committee Charge: (approval pending)

The Seniors et al. Committee will:  

  1. Be comprised of 4-12 individuals representing in a balanced way the perspectives and interests of all senior citizens and other “special consumer interest groups” in the greater Louisville metropolitan statistical area (including Southern Indiana). Constituents represented will include all those who are not otherwise represented in the Employers or Medicaid/Safetynet committees. 
  2. Support the development of funding resources LouHIE requires to develop systems to better satisfy the wants/needs of customers.
  3. Help develop and recommend policies, procedures and strategies that will A.) help improve healthcare for the seniors and other special interest groups represented and B.) help improve quality and reduce costs of healthcare for all citizens in the Louisville community.
  4. Educate consumers it represents about LouHIE activities and opportunities, and identify their interests and concerns. This will include formation and support of an online member “Forum”. 
  5. Appoint a Director for the LouHIE board of directors, who shall also serve as the Chair of the Seniors et al. Committee.

 Time Commitment and Responsibilities:  

  • Attend committee meetings on a quarterly or as needed basis.
  • Be available by phone and/or e-mail to answer questions from constituents, LouHIE staff and/or other board members.

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Copyright (c) , all rights reserved, University of Louisville and the Louisville Health Information Exchange, Inc.
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.  Last updated: 03/19/09.  LouHie Admin
Research funding for this project provided by the Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation (2004-6), Kentucky Legislature under SB 2 (2005-6) Kentucky Department for Public Health and the Kentucky Hospital Association (2005-6).   Additional funding, staff and technologies provided by University of Louisville, School of Public Health and Information Sciences and VisPlex Association, Inc.